Dispensary Directory is focused on ensuring the security of kids who utilize our site. This Children’s Online Privacy Policy clarifies our information gathering, disclosure, and parental consent practices with respect to personal information provided by children under the age of 13 (“child” or “children”), and uses terms that are defined in our Privacy Policy. It is in accordance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”), and outlines our practices in the United States and Latin America with respect to children’s personal information.
Children can investigate the site, and can view and print content without giving any individual data other than the automatic collection of device “persistent identifiers,” examined in more detail beneath. Our site just gathers limited individual data if the child registers to become a member or presents a question or request to us. In the event, the data gathered does not permit contact with him or her or his or her gadget (counting, for instance, collected data), we may utilize and uncover it for any reason, to the degree allowed by applicable law.
In the event the child wants to register to our site , we require the following data to be submitted:
We additionally require the child to give a parent’s email address. We utilize the parent’s email address to look for parental consent for the child’s enrollment and to clarify what data we are gathering, how we plan to utilize it, and how the parent can renounce consent or demand whenever that we expel the record and erase any individual data gathered from the child (counting the parental contact data).
In the event, that you believe your child is taking part in an action that gathers individual data and you or another parent/guardian have NOT consented, or in the event that you no longer wish for your child to take an interest as an individual from the site, please don’t hesitate to reach us at tim@timhood.com, and we will erase your child’s record and the parental contact data.
Certain exercises on our site and applications permit the child to make or control content and save it. Some of these exercises don’t oblige children to give any individual data and during this time we may not bring about notice to the parents. In the event, when an activity asks the child to provide individual data, we will either ask the submitter to delete the information, or we will look for verifiable parental consent by email for collection. If in addition to collecting information that includes personal information, Dispensary Directory also plans to post the content publicly or share it with a third party for the third party’s own use, we will obtain a higher level of parental consent.
At the point when children collaborate with the site, certain technical data may consequently be gathered, both to make our site more interesting and helpful and for different internal purposes identified with our business. Examples of data that is automatically gathered include: the type of computer operating system, the device’s IP address or mobile device identifier, the web browser, the frequency with which the child visits various parts of our site, and information regarding the online or mobile service provider. This data is gathered utilizing techniques, for example, flash cookies, web beacons, and other unique identifiers (which we define under the “Cookies and Other Technologies” section of our general Privacy Policy). This data might be gathered by us or by a third party. Persistent identifier information is used by Dispensary Directory for the sole purpose of providing support for our internal operations, including in order to:
We strictly restrict the amount of information freely available for individual who is known to us as a child. When a child posts any type of content on the site, only the age and the content is visible to others. The child’s username is not posted with this submitted content on our site. Despite the fact that the child may create a profile for his or her record (which incorporates the username, password, birth month and year, and parent’s email address), no part of the child’s profile other than the child’s age is openly visible.
We don’t uncover to outsiders any child’s personal information that we gather other than as follows, in compliance with applicable law: (a) with a parent’s authorization, (b) as required by any relevant law, (c) to third-party services who help us work or deal with the site, (d) as part of aggregated data shared with third-party service providers, our Board of Directors, funders and different accomplices, (e) to conform to legal process, (f) to respond to legislative solicitations, (g) to implement our Terms of Service, (h) to ensure our operations, (i) for assistance in fraud detection and prevention; (j) to secure the rights, protection, well being or property of Dispensary Directory, your child or others, (k) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain, and (l) in connection with a disposition of all or a considerable part of our business, resources or stock, for example, a deal, merger, consolidation, redesign, joint venture, task, or bankruptcy or comparable procedures.
Parents / Guardians may at any time access or change the individual data that we have gathered online from their children. Parents may likewise solicit us to stop accumulation of information from their children, or to make no further utilization of, or erase, the individual data we have gathered online from their children, in which case, the child’s record will be erased. Parents have to reach us at info@americascananbisdirectores.com. For your child’s protection, we may need to check your identity before actualizing your demand. We will attempt to agree to your demand when reasonably practicable.
If a parent has any questions or concerns about his or her child’s use of the site, we encourage the parent to contact us at info@americascananbisdirectores.com.
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